A Recap of HB 1338, A Texas Law for Brain Trauma Survivors

This image is me the day I testified to the Select Committee on Emerging Issues in Law Enforcement, for what became HB 1338, 84R Texas Legislature, Naishtat. This four minute speech sums up my life with brain trauma since 1994, my negative experience with law enforcement, and the ensuing work I did that became the catalyst for this law that protects and educates individuals with brain trauma and the peace officers for whom different sometimes needs to be understood.

Here is a link to the archived bill information, too. I have had many questions about it over the last few months and decided that making it available for people to watch would be good background for understanding our work:

link to committee video archive:


link to bill text, history and actions:


As we are working now outside of Texas, it is good to offer insight into how we began.